RBC Credit Score in 2023: How To Get Your Free Credit Score

Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) is one of several banks that provide their customers with access to complimentary credit score checks. You can easily access your free RBC credit score online through your account using the “Credit View Dashboard.” It’s important to note that this credit score check is considered a “soft inquiry,” meaning it won’t have a negative impact on your credit rating. Additionally, Canadians have other options for obtaining their updated credit scores and reports, such as platforms like Borro-well.

How to Check Your RBC Credit Score

Follow these simple steps to check your credit score on RBC:

1. Sign in to RBC Online Banking.

2. Navigate to “View Your Credit Score” under “Account Management” in the right-hand menu.
3. Click to open a new tab and select “continue” to access the “Credit View Dashboard” on the TransUnion website.
4. You can now view your TransUnion credit score for free.

Sample RBC TransUnion credit score:

Similar to other credit scores in Canada, RBC’s credit score range is from 300 to 900. The dashboard also provides valuable information about your credit score history, comparisons with the general population, and access to your TransUnion credit report. Moreover, there’s a credit score simulator that estimates how your credit score may change based on specific actions, such as adding a credit card or loan, reducing card balances, increasing your credit limit, canceling your oldest card, or missing a monthly payment.

RBC credit score simulator:

Understanding Your RBC Credit Score

Now that you’ve seen your credit score, let’s decipher what it means. A good RBC credit score typically falls between 743 and 789, while a score ranging from 790 to 900 is considered excellent. Lenders use your credit score to assess your creditworthiness. The higher your credit score, the better your chances of qualifying for various types of credit, such as personal loans, car loans, mortgages, and credit cards.

If your credit score is below 660, it’s categorized as poor or bad credit, and you may encounter higher interest rates if your credit applications are approved.

Boosting Your RBC Credit Score

Several factors are taken into account when calculating your credit score, including:

  • Payment history
  • Length of credit history
  • Types and mix of credit
  • Outstanding debt

To increase your RBC credit score, consider these steps:

  • Pay bills on time:Ensure you make timely payments and never miss the due dates for minimum payments.
  • Maintain a low credit utilization:Aim to use 30% or less of your credit limit at any given time, which is known as your credit utilization rate. For instance, if your credit limit is $10,000, try not to carry a balance exceeding $3,000.
  • Limit credit applications:Avoid applying for multiple lines of credit within a short period. If you’re shopping for the best rates, keep these inquiries within a 2-week timeframe.
  • Review for credit errors:Examine your credit report for any inaccuracies that could affect your credit rating. You have the option to dispute errors with TransUnion and Equifax.
  • Increase credit limits:Requesting higher credit limits can reduce your credit utilization and positively impact your score.

Free Credit Score Checks in Canada

Apart from RBC, several financial technology companies offer free credit score checks online. Here are a few:


Borrowell has been providing free credit score checks since 2016. Over 2 million Canadians have already utilized the platform to access their free Equifax credit score and report. Borrowell updates your score weekly, making it convenient to monitor your credit.

Credit Karma:

Credit Karma, like RBC, provides clients with access to their TransUnion credit score. You can also view your report, which is updated monthly.

Loans Canada:

Loans Canada offers free access to your Equifax credit score and assists in comparing loans from various Canadian lenders.

Free Credit Report Checks in Canada

Through the CreditView Dashboard via RBC, you can access your TransUnion credit report. Alternatively, you can contact TransUnion directly at 1-855-889-4293 to request a copy of your Consumer Disclosure (i.e., credit report). For Equifax Canada credit reports, you can view weekly updates using Borrowell or reach out to Equifax directly at 1-800-465-7166.

RBC Credit Score FAQs

1. Can I check my RBC credit score on the app?

No, you cannot view your credit score using the RBC mobile app. You need to sign in to Online Banking through the RBC website.

2. Is RBC's credit score accurate?

Yes, your RBC credit score is accurate and is based on TransUnion’s CreditVision Risk Score. However, it may differ from your TransUnion score or the report that lenders use when you apply for credit.

3. What credit score does RBC use?

RBC retrieves your TransUnion credit score report when you apply for a credit card or loan.

4. Is 800 a good credit score?

Yes, a credit score of 800 is considered good, and you could qualify for credit at competitive rates.

5. How do I raise my credit score quickly?

We have outlined various strategies to improve your credit score quickly in this guide.

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